Welcome to The Constitution Party of North Carolina’s State Convention Home Page

We look forward to seeing you at The Constitution Party of North Carolina’s 2023 State Convention. This is a combined Convention for 2022 and 2023.  Be sure to Register today by clicking the Registration Link above.  Should you have any questions contact our Convention Coordinator, Kim Jordan via email at convention@constitutionpartync.com or by phone at 888-683-2762. Ext 4

(Please click the links above to be directed to other sections of the convention website.)

Covention Doors Open 9 AM

10 AM  Call to order, opening statement by The Chairman

Introduction of officers and State Excutive Commitee members,  instructions 


Pledge of Alegience 

10 20 AM Speaker The Libery Belle Christian McMasters

11:20 AM 10 minute recess

11:35  Explaintaion of Elections process and introduction of Candidates by The State Chairman 

11:45  Indoction of By-law amendments and discussion of by-law amendments,  vote on By-law amendments 

12:15 PM  Ballot Access Update  ( Kevin Hayes and Nick Sumbles )

12:30 PM  Break  and Elections of State Excutive Commitee

1: 30 PM  Call to Order

1:35 PM Speaker Sheriff Van Duncan

2:10 PM Speaker Wayne Groover  Abolish Abortion NC

2:40 PM Announcment of Elections

2:45 PM Speaker Kim Jordan 2nd Amendment 

3:05 PM   Drawing for AR-15 

3:10 PM  10 minute recess

3:20 PM.  Speaker Al Pisano

3:45  PM.  Q&A 

4:00.  Commitee Reports

4:15 PM Reading of The Declartion of Indpendendce

4:30  Closing Remarks 

5 PM Adjurnment 



The 2023 State Convention will be held at the Black Lake Retreat Center. For more information on the center check out their website :https://www.blacklakecenter.org/